Here is one more.
Ok, less of a rant than that multiple choice one, because I've mellowed on this topic a little now, but two years ago? It would have fired me up. Now, it just concerns me.
I've wanted to be a teacher since the 11th grade, and consider myself more passionate about teaching than just about anything than I can think of. I gets me excited just thinking about having my own class.
So naturally, one of my least favourite things I have ever heard, is this following statement during a conversation.
**The scene is set. Dave walks up to an old friend, someone he hasn't seen in a while.
Dave: Hey (insert name here)! What's up?! How's life? What are you taking at school?
Person: life's good, school's hard, I'm taking History (or geography, or english, sometimes Biology)
Dave: Oh really? What do you want to do after you are done school?
Person: Not sure actually, I've thought about teaching, to keep my options open.
"I've thought about teaching, to keep my options open"
This, concerns me. To do this job, to do it PROPERLY, you NEED to be passionate, you NEED to be willing to go to the end of the earth and back for a student, all students, but especially those with exceptionalities.
Somebody who is only considering teaching to keep their options open, do they have to drive to do this job the way it NEEDS to be done?
I question it. And with the job market already super saturated, and without an entrance interview, somebody "keeping their options open", with high marks, and a way with words (on an entrance essay or something), will graduate in five years with the same qualifications.
And I don't know if they want it as bad as me. And I think that in a classroom, I think that it makes a difference.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1000x Yes.
ReplyDeleteAnother one of my favourites is:
"I think I'm going to be a , but if that doesn't work out, probably a teacher".
Like teaching is this job that anyone can get/be good at.
It takes a special kind of person to be a teacher. It's not a job, in my opinion, that the less than dedicated can take on and be successful.
PS and you're a special kind of person Dave. On that note a lot of our peers have really impressed me this year with their passion about teaching. You can tell in their responses in class discussion and the blogs. Its been a fun year!